Brody turns 3 FULL months tomorrow, the 10th. I officially no longer have a newborn. All the books talk about how the first 3 months are kind of like the 4th trimester with the needs of a newborn, and I'm so not wanting this precious, fragile stage to end. Yes, I am thankful for more regular and lengthened sleep times, more consistent and reliable feedings, new and exciting interactions...but my heart is aching that my tiny baby boy is not so tiny anymore.

I wish time would slow down... And it feels cliché saying that, but I have never wished something so much! I will always treasure these early days of hours spent glued to the couch with a baby that won't sleep anywhere but in my arms or on my chest or on the boob...the days of unwashed hair, smeared mascara from the day (or two) before, lunches eaten at 3, coffee reheated 4 times, and crying over spilled milk (literally)...the days spent quietly as a family of 3 before Jeff went back to work, and the quiet (or not so quiet) eves spent together. I've been selfish with my time with Brody and with Jeff, and I don't regret it one bit. I can enjoy these new and exciting days of growth, development and change knowing I've savored each moment, even the hard ones. Because some day, my precious baby won't want to cuddle or be rocked to sleep or need me to feed him. This is hard to remind myself when I'm putting the pacifier back in for the umpteenth time or rocking him for the next hour or seeing his eyes spring open yet again or hearing his cries get louder...but when he finally snuggles in asleep, it's all I can think about.

I had several mild panic moments in the middle of the night when I couldn't sleep, about how little Brody was spending doing tummy time. I was paranoid I wasn't giving him enough time and because of his spitting up, that he was gonna get a flat head with how much I keep him in the rock and play and couldn't put him on his stomach and that he would have delayed motor development blah I started giving him just a minute or two at a time like right after a diaper change to have some consistent times that I did it, and like 4 days ago he decided it wasn't so terrible and can tolerate it much longer and actually seems to enjoy it more! He always would do fine before, but sometimes would just lay there till he spit up and rolled his face around in it and then he was donezo. NOW, he can hold head up for much longer, can look around now, and is holding his head up even better when held. He seems to even enjoy it now. My friend who's an infant development professional told me that it's easier once babies are stronger, and that definitely seems to be the case! He also loves being held standing up, and practices "stepping." We are definitely going to need to get a bouncy thing for him soon...
We've been enjoying our life as a family, getting out more, and starting new routines. Brody loves being in the carrier, which has mostly been the Ergo with mom, but Dad is starting to carry him in the Bjorn more! We try to take a family walk every night. Brody usually will snooze, but often wakes up to look around at all the sights - he's so aware, and observant - loves to look at EVERYTHING.
Brody's already been to several breweries!! We met up with friends for Mommy's birthday & our friend Jordan's birthday at Populuxe in Ballard, and then went to Stoup Brewing with some other friends recently. We love the culture of Seattle, and especially Ballard, that allows kids and dogs at all of the breweries. It's nice to continue doing things that we love, and to enjoy being with our friends still. Brody is typically pretty flexible during these outings to fall asleep in the carrier, or take a bottle, or get fed in the car.
Daddy did the Tough Mudder a couple weeks ago! Mommy and Brody wandered around all over the course to watch him and his team go through the obstacles. It was a lot of fun, and I was so impressed with the team and also how the whole event was team-focused. Brody enjoyed being in the Ergo for most of the day, but then needed a break and we got out the stroller. Feeding on the go is getting much easier, but Mom (and Brody) hate the stupid nursing cover!

We are just loving our smiley happy boy! He always wakes up in the morning with a smile on his face, and could spend ALL day looking at us and smiling. He still is loving his play mat, reaching and grabbing for his toys, playing with his hands, and finding his voice! He can copy some sounds, and loves to have "conversations." His sleep routine has gone a little bit backwards recently, but he's still a great sleeper at night. It's just a struggle getting him to sleep for good naps during the day, and in the evenings, he's having a harder time settling down. Usually he gets to come snuggle in bed with Mommy once Daddy gets up for work - he misses those snuggles too, so we try to get those in on the weekends.
Mommy started her PEPS group last week, and is already really enjoying the group of women and their babies - it's such a great community, and a much needed place to share joys and struggles and ask each other questions. Next week, our leader is bringing a scale, so I'll have an updated weight for him. :) About a week ago at the doctor's, he was 14 lbs already!