Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Rolling over...and not sleeping!

Brody is 16 weeks this week. It's been a roller coaster of highs and lows recently as he is going through some pretty significant new developmental milestones. 12 weeks is a huge shift in babies' sleep cycles, and we have definitely been experiencing what that means for Brody. Naptimes have become super short, inconsistent and sometimes nonexistent, and night sleep is really rough some nights. BUT, he also has been very alert, chatty, interactive and is learning so much about his environment, so I have to remind myself of that in the hard moments!
He has been reaching for and grabbing, and playing with his toys. Current favorites are his jingly owl on his playmat, and a new rattle that we got him. Oh, and his hands trump all else - he loves chewing on them, playing with his fingers, looking at them, etc. He also loves to be held so he can stand on the bathroom counter and look at himself in the mirror. Bathtime is now even more fun as he splashes around! 

He's found his voice for sure! He can make quite a few sounds now: "ooh," "ahh," "mahh," "moo, mo," and he enjoys making high pitched squeals. He's even started to giggle here and there, but he's still figuring that out. 

The biggest new development is that he ROLLED OVER today!! He was on his tummy in his crib and all of a sudden he started leaning over, and then eventually rolled to his back! I placed him back on his tummy and he did this 3 times in a row! He can't quite do it on the ground or more firm surfaces, but the crib gave him enough spring to push off of. :) He has been getting a tad more mobile on the ground when I give him tummy time. He pushed himself several inches by "inchworming" across the floor last night, too. 

Earlier this week, Great Grandma and Great Grandpa babysat so I could go get my haircut! I am losing my hair in handfuls (thank you post-preggo hormone change) and it was getting so unmanageable. I'm not sure if it makes me look more like a "mom" or more like I'm 8 years old, but either way, it's so much easier to deal with. Lately, I have had about 2.5 seconds to deal with myself each day, so I needed something easy. 

Jeff is going to LA on Friday for the day for work, and then we'll celebrate Halloween by walking Queen Anne Avenue to "trick or treat" at all the storefronts (aka - see all the other cute kids).  That night we have a party with some friends, and then Grandma's party the next day. Brody looks pretty cute in his costume... ;) I'll post some pictures of him in it next time I write! 

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